About us

Who We Are?

We live in a 3D reality where the boundary between the virtual and the real world is becoming increasingly blurred.
AnySyn3D is a non-commercial, non-profit research interest group comprising individuals with a strong interest in exploring research problems and cutting-edge technologies in 3D AIGC. While significant progress has been achieved in the recent years, we acknowledge there is still a substantial journey ahead. Our overarching mission is to enhance the speed, affordability, and quality of 3D AIGC, making the creation of 3D content accessible to all.

We enthusiastically invite you to engage in discussions and explore potential collaborations in any capacity. We are also welcoming computational resources support from industry. If you're interested in connecting or partnering with us, please don't hesitate to reach out via email.

我们可以提供remote或者onsite实习机会,提供idea或者计算资源,提供各种科研合作机会。欢迎联系我们(请附上个人简历)。 也欢迎业界的朋友们提供计算资源,开展研究合作。

Meet the Team

Why we organize this group ?

Xiaoxiao Long

"It's quite exciting to meet so many friends and work closely on 3DV."

Cheng Lin

"The ultimate stage of digital content is inevitably to be 3D. Therefore, we need to assemble a group of highly motivated individuals to engage in continuous exploration and profound innovation."

Yuan Liu

"Let's start a new era of 3D!"

Zhiyang Dou

"Dream It and Build It :)"


Xiaoxiao Long

Resonsible for general consults, like academic collabration and member enrollments.

Kai Cheng

Responsible for internship arrangements.

Yupeng Zheng

Responsible for internship arrangements.

Yuhang Zheng

Responsible for internship arrangements.

Lina Liu

Responsible for industry relationship.

Tianyi Zhu

Responsible for industry relationship.

Zhiyang Dou

Responsible for social media and academic collaborations.

Generative AI

Cheng Lin

Cheng Lin is now a leading reseracher in a tech company. His research interest includes geometric modeling, 3D vision, shape analysis and computer graphics.

Xiaoxiao Long

Xiaoxiao Long is now a Postdoc fellow at HKU. His research interest includes 3D reconstruction, depth estimation, neural rendering, and 3D generative models.

Yuan Liu

Yuan Liu is now a PhD student at HKU. His research interest includes neural rendering/representations, 6DoF object pose estimation, 3D generative models and 3D data registration.

Dave Zhenyu Chen

Dave Zhenyu Chen is now a PhD student at Technical University of Munich. His research focuses on 2D/3D generative models and vision-language models.

Biao Zhang

Biao Zhang is a postdoc researcher in Computer Science department at KAUST. He is broadly interested in machine learning, deep learning and 3d vision.

Ruoshi Liu

Ruoshi Liu is now a PhD student at Columbia University, advised by Carl Vondrick. He is interested in computer vision, deep learning, computer graphics, computational imaging, and robotics.

Chuanxia Zheng

He is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Fellow and a postdoctoral researcher in VGG at the University of Oxford. Research interests in 2D and 3D synthesis

Chenming Wu

He is a senior researcher at Baidu VIS. Actively looking for interns to work on 3D AIGC, please drop an email if you are interested.

Hong-Xing "Koven" Yu

Ph.D candidate in Stanford supervised by Prof. Jiajun Wu. His interet centers around how AI can understand, virtually recreate, and interact with the physical world .

Mengmeng Wang

Mengmeng Wang is currently an AP in Zhejiang University of Technology. Her research interests include image/video understanding, text-to-video/image-to-video generation, computer vision and robotics perception.

Alberto Tono

Alberto Tono is a Stanford PhD candidate with a deep passion for Sketch to Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflows. His research focuses on understanding how current 3D Generative AI (GenAI) workflows augment designers’ skills, defining proper metrics and evaluation protocol.

Autonomous Driving

Wei Yin

Wei Yin is a leading research engineer at a tech company. His research focuses on 3D reconstruction, 3D generative model and world model for autonomous driving, and depth estimation.

Lina Liu

Lina Liu is a researcher in The Research Institution of China Mobile. Her research focuses on depth estimation, 3D vision, 3D reconstruction, and so on.

Lingdong Kong

Lingdong Kong is now a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. His research interest includes 3D scene perception and generation.

Xiaoyang Guo

He is a senior researcher at a tech company. His research interests focus on 3D computer vision, particularly on 3D perception, reconstruction, and rendering (NeRF)..

Geometry Processing

Peng Wang

Peng Wang now is a researcher at Adobe. His research includes 3D reconstruction, neural rendering, and 3D content creation. I like everything about creating.

Songyou Peng

Songyou is a Senior Researcher/Postdoc at ETH Zurich, and also an incoming Research Sicentist at Google Research.

Jiepeng Wang

Jiepeng Wang is now a PhD student at HKU. His research interests include 3D reconstruction and generation, neural rendering, and robotics.

Xu Cao

Xu Cao is currently a research scientist in the graphics team at CyberAgent AI Lab. His research interest includes 3D and physics-based vision.

Haoxiang Guo

Now a researcher in an AIGC company. Received PhD at Tsinghua University. His research interest includes 3D AIGC, geometric modeling and shape analysis.

Tianyi Zhu

He is currently a researcher at China Mobile Research Institute. He earned his B.E. and PhD from Tsinghua University. His research interest includes computer vision, smart imaging, and 3D reconstruction.

Human Modeling

Heming Zhu

Heming Zhu is now a PhD student at Max Planck Institut für Informatik. His research focuses on photoreal clothed human modeling and synthesis.

Zhiyang Dou

Zhiyang Dou is now a PhD student at HKU. His research interest includes geometric modeling and processing, character animation, graphics, 3D vision and simulation.

Jiapeng Tang

Jiapeng Tang is now a PhD student at Technical University of Munich. His research focuses on 3D/4D/Head reconstruction and generative models.

Low-level Vision

Chengyang Lei

Chenyang Lei is an assistant professor at Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is interested in exploring system designs of visual computing pipelines, from advanced sensing technologies to more capable artificial intelligence.

Robotic AI

Ruihai Wu

Ruihai Wu is now a Ph.D. student at PKU. His research interests include 3D vision and robotics.

Xingxing Zuo

Postdoctoral Researcher at Caltech. His research interests are robotic perception, state estimation, multi-sensor fusion, scene understanding and SLAM.

Zihao Zhang

An assisstant professor at Chineses Academy of Sciences. His research interests include human motion modeling, robotics and 2D/3D generative model.

Yangliang Shi

Researcher in a tech Lab. His research interests are 3D reconstruction, robotic learning, scene understanding and SLAM.

Human Computer Interaction & Visualization

Can Liu

Received Ph.D. Degree from the School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Peking University in 2023. His research interest lies in deep learning-driven visualization.

Kai Cheng

Kai Cheng now is a PhD student at USTC. His research inculdes Neural rendering and 3D reconstruction.

Xiaotao Hu

Xiaotao Hu now is a PhD student at HKUST. His research interest includes video generation, video prediction, and 3d generation.

Yupeng Zheng

Yupeng Zheng is currently a PhD student. His research interests include 3D vision for embodied AI and AI safety.

Yuhang Zheng

Yuhang Zheng is currently a Master student. His research interests include embodied AI and 3D reconstruction.

Bu Jin

Bu Jin is currently a Master student. His research interests include 2D/3D vision language learning and autonomous driving.

Weize Li

Weize Li is now a student researcher at AIR and Light Illusions. His research focuses on Embodied AI with intersection of 3D vision, graphics and robotics.

Songen Gu

Songen Gu is currently a Master student. His research interests include 3D vision and autonomous driving.

Guying Lin

Guying Lin is now an MPhil student at the University of Hong Kong. Her research interest lies in the intersection of 3D vision and computer graphics.

Zhengming Yu

Zhengming Yu now is a PhD student at Texas A&M University. His research includes Digital Human, 3D generation, and 3D reconstruction.

Jionghao Wang

Jionghao Wang is currently a PhD student at Texas A&M University. His research interests include 3D generation and computer graphics.

Yuheng Liu

Yuheng Liu is a PhD student at Texas A&M University. His research interests include 3D vision for 3D generation and reconstruction.

Haiping Wang

Haiping Wang is currently a PhD student at Wuhan University. His research interest includes point cloud registration, 3D reconstruction, and 3D-LLM.

Runyi Yang

Runyi Yang now is an MRes student at Imperial and an upcoming PhD at INSAIT. His research interests include 3D reconstruction and neural radiance fields.

Zekun Li

Zekun Li now is a PhD at Brown University. His research mainly focuses on character animation and human-X interaction.

Yixun Liang

Yixun Liang now is a Mphil student at HKUST(GZ). His research interest includes 3D generation and 3D reconstruction.

Weiyu Li

Weiyu LI now is a PhD student at HKUST. His research lies in 3D Content Generation, and also interested in Point Cloud Processing, Efficient Computer Vision, HCI with AR, etc.

Rui Xu

He is joining The University of Hong Kong as a Ph.D. student. Research interests are computer graphics, 3D vision, geometry processing and geometric learning.

Rui Chen

Master Student at SCUT. Research interests include creating high-quality 3D assets using generative models and physically-based rendering techniques.

Peng Li

PhD student at HKUST. Research interests include 3D generative models and 3D reconstruction.

Junming Wang

An MPhil student at the University of Hong Kong. His research interests include Embodied AI and Autonomous Navigation.

Yuxiao Yang

Master student at Tsinghua University. His research interests lie in 3D generative models and 3D reconstruction.

Qingxuan Wu

Qingxuan Wu is a master's student at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests lies in the intersection of human-centric AI and 3D Vision.

Chen Wang

Chen Wang is now a PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interest includes neural scene representations and 3D/4D generative models.

Hui Zhang

Hui Zhang is now a PhD student at ETH. His current research interests lie in the interaction of 3D vision and robotics, specifically physics-based hand-object interaction and dexterous robot manipulation.

Xiangyue Liu

A PhD student at HKUST. Her research lies in 4D avatar generation, reconstruction, and editing; also interested in neural rendering, and 3D generation models.

Wenping Wang

Wenping Wang (Fellow, IEEE) is currently a professor with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA. He has been chair professor and head of the Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. His research interests are computer graphics and computer vision.

Ping Tan

Ping Tan is currently a Professor with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests include computer vision, computer graphics, and robotics. He has served as an editorial board member for TPAMI, IJCV, CGF, and MVA. He served as an area chair for CVPR, SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, and IROS.

Zhiqiang Wu

Zhiqiang Wu is the Brage Golding Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering of Wright State University. His research interests include artificial intelligence, intelligent signal processing, big data and wireless communication. His research has been supported by NSF, AFOSR, AFRL, ONR, NASA and OFRN.

Lingjie Liu

Lingjie Liu is the Aravind K. Joshi Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania, where she leads the Penn Computer Graphics Lab and she is also a member of the General Robotics, Automation, Sensing & Perception (GRASP) Lab.

Yuexin Ma

Yuexin Ma is an Assistant Professor in SIST, ShanghaiTech University. Her research interests include computer vision and artificial intelligence. Particularly, her current research focuses on scene understanding, multi-modal learning, autonomous driving, human-robot cooperation, etc.

Changjian Li

Changjian Li is an Assistant Professor in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include 3D Shape Creation and Analysis with applications in Sketch-based Modeling, Shape Reconstruction and Analysis from Point Clouds, and Medical Image Processing and Modeling.

Yao Yao

Yao Yao is an Associate Professor at School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Nanjing University, where he co-directs the 3D Vision Lab (NJU-3DV) with Prof. Hao Zhu. Previously, he was a senior researcher at Apple, and a founding member of the startup company Altizure (acquired by Apple in 2020).

Qi Fan

Qi Fan is an Assistant Professor at School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Nanjing University. His research interests include computer vision and machine learning, primarily on visual perception generalization technologies under data or resource constraints, including few-shot learning, domain generalization, and the efficient fine-tuning of foundational models.

Sida Peng

Sida Peng is an Assistant Professor at the School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University. He received his Ph.D. degree from College of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University in 2023. His research interests include 3D reconstruction, rendering, and 3D generation. He was selected as the 2022 Apple Scholar in AI/ML.

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